Leadership Assessment Center
To enhance your development as a leader, executive, professional or business owner, CEO Partnership uses a variety of assessments. These provide great new insights into your management and communication styles, your leadership strengths and potential blind spots, and how others perceive your capabilities in the organization. We also offer a variety of learning instruments, which provide you with insights on how you cope with stress, your work expectations, your innovation style and more.
CEO Partnership maintains the most comprehensive assessment center in the Rocky Mountain West. If you are interested in gaining some new insights, or bringing an assessment program into your organization, give us a call at (888)804-COACH (2622) or (303) 838-1100. You can also email Dr. Laura at and put “interested in assessments” in the subject line.
Click on any of the following assessments to learn more:
- Hogan Assessment Systems — NEW !!!
- Team Diagnostic Assessment — NEW !!!
- 20/20 Insight Gold
- Emotional Intelligence Assessments
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory and The Conflict Lens®
- Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Profile
- MAPP (Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential)
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)®
- FIRO-Element B
- Leadership Practices Inventory
- The Comprehensive Leader
- Team Leader Survey
- Team Effectiveness Profile (TEP)
- Profile of Negotiation Styles
- Work Satisfaction and Renewal
- The Problem Solving Style Inventory
- Interpersonal Influence Inventory
- Communication Styles Inventory
- Team Dimensions Profile
- Work Expectations Profile
- Time Mastery Profile
- Personal Listening Profile
- Discovering Diversity Profile
- Transition
- Coping & Stress Profile
Hogan Assessment Systems — NEW !!!
A comprehensive and rigorous suite of assessments that reveal a person’s reasoning skills, leadership and management competencies and characteristics, as well as personal and work values. The reports are used for:
- Employee selection, hiring and on-boarding
- Employee development and talent management
- Team building
- Coaching
- Succession planning
Selection Series – Hogan Assessment Systems has developed the Selection Series of reports to provide employers with the data needed to make informed hiring decisions.
Development Series – The Development Series of reports puts the power of personality assessment in the hands of those using the inventories. They have been specially crafted to minimize the need for expert involvement in understanding the results, and provide important insights for anyone interested in developing to their full career potential.
Leadership Forecast Series – The Leadership Forecast Series is ideal for developing leaders and is an essential ingredient in identifying and growing future leaders. It provides an in-depth evaluation of leadership competencies, potential career derailers, and individual values.
The suite consists of the following four reports:
- Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) – the industry standard and best practice for selecting and developing talented employees
- Hogan Development Survey (HDS) – measures 11 behavioral tendencies that impede work relationships, hinder productivity or limit overall career potential (career derailers)
- Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) – reveals a person’s core values, goals and interests, invaluable for determining the kinds of environments in which the person will perform best and the culture he or she will create as a leader
- Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) – evaluates a person’s ability to solve problems and make business-related decisions using textual, graphic and quantitative data. The HBRI is the first measure of cognitive ability to be based on evolutionary psychology and designed exclusively to predict real-world performance.
Forecast reports are available for specific industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, law enforcement and more. (Cost for the suite: $400)
Team Diagnostic Assessment — NEW !!!
Teams produce results that individuals simply can’t, acting alone. Today the workplace is a maze of nested teams: intact, cross-functional, project, virtual – and the pressure is on teams to form, norm, perform and transform at an astonishing rate.
The Team Diagnostic™ is a state of the art instrument, based on a proven model that defines the necessary strengths for high-performing, sustainable, inspired and motivated teams.
The Team Diagnostic Assessment offers a practical way to measure the system that comprises the team, a comprehensive model that defines strengths teams need in order to succeed, and a new mindset that takes the focus off of individual team members’ one-to-one relationships, and focuses instead on the entity that is the team.
Pricing: Please call Dr. Belsten for pricing – 303-838-1100.
20/20 Insight Gold
A customized 360 feedback report which measures executive and personal leadership competencies in a wide variety of areas, including decision-making, communication, customer and service orientation,innovation, strategic planning, industry knowledge, change leadership, teamwork and collaboration, directing and inspiring action, listening, conflict resolution and more. Customized to measure the high-priority leadership competencies you value or which are highly valued in your organization. ($350)
Emotional Intelligence Assessments
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory and The Conflict Lens®
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Profile
vulnerabilities in the area of critical thinking, a crucial skill for
career progression. ($95)
MAPP (Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential)
work. When your job matches your true motivations, work seems easier
and is more fulfilling. ($150)
development, succession planning, new employee assimilation and
retention, and teambuilding. NEO-PI Professional Development Reports
provide practical advice to individual executives in four major areas:
problem solving; planning, organizing and implementation skills; style
of relating to others; and personal style (including values and
approach to life, temperament, and degree of emotional self-control).
Both the Individual and Management reports conclude with a summary of
the individual’s most distinctive characteristics and the potential
consequences (positive and negative) of attitudes and behavioral
patterns in the work setting and for life in general. ($225)
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)®
A time-honored and well-recognized personality assessment, the MBTI
provides a useful method for understanding people by looking at eight
personality preferences that everyone uses at different times. The MBTI
has been used for decades in many organizations for team building and
in understanding individual differences. ($125)
FIRO-Element B
The “Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behavior”
assessment is a personality instrument that measures how individuals
typically behave with other people and how they expect others to behave
with them. Its interpretation can dramatically increase an executive’s
understanding of behavior in areas such as how they come across to
others, how and why conflict develops, and how to understand one’s own
needs and how to manage the needs of others. Another powerful and
highly reliable stalwart of the assessment industry, FIRO-Element B has
been in use for almost 40 years for personal and professional
management development, improving communication and interpersonal
skills, and teambuilding. ($95)
Leadership Practices Inventory
Based on the timeless Kouzes and Posner leadership model, this 360
inventory enables individuals to learn about and evaluate themselves on
the five fundamental practices of leadership elucidated in The
Leadership Challenge. Those practices include being willing to take
risks and learn from them, inspiring others, enabling others, modeling
behavior, and encouraging others. ($275)
The Comprehensive Leader
This learning instrument provides individuals with the tools they need
to develop and hone their visionary leadership skills. Through a simple
but potent model, the concepts of visionary leadership become plainly
apparent. The Comprehensive Leader assesses specific behaviors that
demonstrate an in-depth understanding of strategic and visionary
thinking so that participants can learn how to practice visionary
leadership. Ideal for senior executives, team or department leaders,
middle managers, senior-level contributors, and individuals without
permanent supervisory responsibility but who play a leadership role in
the organization. ($95)
Team Leader Survey
This assessment provides leaders or potential leaders of self-managing
teams with the opportunity to gain a clear understanding of their skill
level in interacting with their teams. The Survey is a 360° feedback
tool. That is, leaders not only evaluate themselves but may also
receive feedback from the team members they lead, their peers, and/or
their managers. Leaders will learn useful information about themselves,
recognize some of their strengths, identify some areas they want to
change, and commit to specific action plans to aid in their
development. In addition, the entire survey process can open the lines
of communication between the leader and others in the organization.
Team Effectiveness Profile (TEP)
A diagnostic instrument designed to assist team leaders in improving
the performance of their teams and work satisfaction among team
members. At times it is difficult to surface issues that block a team’s
effectiveness. These issues can remain undisclosed for years, draining
a team’s energy and undermining its productivity. The TEP helps teams
systematically identify issues hindering team effectiveness, and begin
to reduce or eliminate them. ($55)
Profile of Negotiation Styles
This learning instrument is designed to help anyone who negotiates gain
a greater understanding of how his or her behavior is likely to affect
his/her negotiating results. Negotiation is a specialized form of
communication, a form ideally aimed at mutual need satisfaction. This
learning instrument helps individuals learn their preferred negotiation
style(s) and those of others, when to use the various styles, and how
to negotiate with others using different styles. Can also be
administered as a “mini-360”. ($55)
Work Satisfaction and Renewal
the Employee Development Planner for Managers. It helps employees –
with or without their managers – to create a customized development
plan that will set the direction for their professional growth.
Managers often mistakenly assume that high performing workers are
satisfied. But this is not always the case! Some high performers can
continue to deliver results despite the fact that they are not deriving
personal satisfaction from the work. An individual’s satisfaction with
work is a product of both an ability to perform the work and an
inherent motivation to do it. While the ultimate responsibility rests
with employees, supporting their development is one of the most
important contributions managers can make towards satisfying and
retaining them in the long run. This learning instrument is ideally
suited to support a dialogue between managers and their employees. ($55)
The Problem Solving Style Inventory
The (PSSI) is designed to help supervisors, managers, and team leaders
identify their dominant and supportive styles of solving problems and
making decisions in their work units or teams. It enables them to
understand what styles of problem solving and decision making they are
predisposed to use or not use, and whether their use of the five
problem-solving and decision-making styles is appropriate for their
work units or teams. It acquaints them with the important factors to be
considered when choosing one of the styles to solve a work unit problem
or make a work unit decision. And it enables them to compare their use
of the five problem-solving and decision-making styles with a norm
group of 137 supervisors and managers who previously completed the
PSSI. ($55)
Interpersonal Influence Inventory
Do the people in your organization know how they “come across” to
others? Help them to become more effective communicators, and show them
how to use their influence wisely with the Interpersonal Influence
Inventory (III). Influence style has become increasingly important in
recent years as organizations have become less hierarchical and more
diverse. Because focus has shifted from competition to collaboration,
the skills needed to function effectively have shifted from skills of
control to skills of influence. Interviews with leaders in the private
and public sector determined that organizational vision cannot be
established by edict or coercion, but rather through persuasion. For
this reason human relations and communication skills have become
paramount. For well over a decade, this popular instrument has helped
thousands of professionals assess, and if necessary, modify their
interpersonal influence style. ($55)
Communication Styles Inventory
(LCSI), this learning instrument helps professionals understand their
preferred communication style and the styles preferred by others. It
helps individuals learn how best to work with, motivate, and understand
others, and how to adjust their communication style to ideally connect
with others. ($35)
The Organizational Culture Inventory, and its complement, the
Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI) enhance an executive’s
ability to understand, evaluate and make needed changes to an
organization’s culture. The OCI and OEI can be used in mergers,
acquisitions and new strategic alliances to identify an ideal culture
toward which the new and larger enterprise can progress. It can be used
to identify and transfer the cultures of high-performance units to the
rest of the organization, and it can help an executive align
differentiated organizational subunits. These instruments are
especially useful in identifying possible areas for organizational
change as well as strategies for enhancing performance and the quality
of customer service. (Cost depends on the size of the organization and
number of respondents – call for information.)
Learning Instruments from Inscape Publishing
interpretive reports that help people improve their effectiveness in
sales, management, customer service, conflict resolution, and
organizational and interpersonal communication. ($25)
Team Dimensions Profile
strengths by identifying their approach to innovation and their most
natural team role. ($25)
Work Expectations Profile
productivity. Committed, productive employees are the key to
organizational success and a healthy bottom line. The challenge is
retaining and developing satisfied, committed employees. This profile
enables individuals to explore, understand and manage their work
expectations. Research has shown that people who have clearly defined,
well-communicated expectations have better attitudes and enjoy greater
job satisfaction than people whose expectations go unspoken or
unrealized. And companies that employ satisfied, successful people reap
the rewards of increased productivity and reduced turnover. ($25)
Time Mastery Profile
innovative ways to set priorities, achieve goals, stay ahead of the
competition, respond quickly to customer needs and enjoy life outside
of work. ($25)
Personal Listening Profile
improve management effectiveness. ($25)
Discovering Diversity Profile
differences, respond to increasing workplace diversity, limit the
influence of stereotypes, reduce conflict and embrace diversity as a
source of organizational strength. ($25)
side of change. Based on the bestselling work of William Bridges, this
profile actively engages people in responding positively to change,
introduces a practical, guided process for moving through the three
phases of transition, and fosters greater adaptability, innovation and
productivity during periods of organizational and personal change.