About Organizational Coaching
“The success of a company is dependent nine parts on management and one part on all other factors, including luck.”
That’s rule #1 from Barron’s recently published Ten Rules for Investors. And yet, a cook for a fast food chain receives more developmental support and training than most people holding leadership positions (McKinsey, 2003). We often hear that an organization’s most valuable asset is its people. Yet in some organizations, this may be an under-developed asset.
Is There Untapped Potential Within Your Organization?
Talented people crave the opportunity to grow. Our coaching can help your organization grow great leaders by providing them with candid feedback, opportunities to learn new skills and behaviors, and an accountability structure.
Organizational & Team Coaching is a Powerful Tool for:
- Aligning individual performance with team and organizational objectives
- Improving productivity and profitability
- Identifying, maximizing and leveraging strengths
- Increasing and enhancing communication between managers, direct reports and teams (including geographically dispersed teams, see group coaching in organizations below)
- Increasing employee satisfaction and retention
- Enhancing performance and results
- Helping individuals take ownership and responsibility
- Creating a healthy, more-productive culture
- Helping new executives become more productive more quickly
Increasingly, CEO Partnership is being retained to coach entire senior teams or executives across geographically-dispersed organizations. Our organizational and team coaching services include: